
Through his experiences with diverse, high-performing clients, Dr. Christian Glasgow has learned and believes deeply in a single truism: we are human first, and performers second. He bases his work on the philosophy that one cannot support the elite performer without treating the person, and by treating the person, he also optimizes the performer. Performance is a personal odyssey, and it is only when we connect our hearts, minds, and bodies that we can create success on our own terms.

Dr. Glasgow gets it. An elite athlete himself, as well as a leading mental health professional, husband, father, and friend, Glasgow knows the challenges that come with high achievement. A California native, Glasgow grew up in Cardiff-by-the-Sea and was a nationally ranked competitive surfer. He was also an elite soccer player, played for top club soccer teams in the nation (San Diego Surf, La Jolla Nomads, and Santa Rosa United), led his team at the collegiate level, and participated in the Olympic development program. He knows the pressures that high performers face and understands that underneath the public persona, we are all just people, trying to do our best in unthinkably challenging situations.

Glasgow first realized the power of clinical counseling psychology as a young man embarking on his own mental health journey, and this experience was pivotal in crystallizing Christian’s mission to help others. With a doctorate in clinical psychology, Christian roots his practice in proven, evidence-based approaches to mental health. He is a certified first responder. He is regularly asked to speak on behalf of mental health at schools and conferences and has served as an expert witness, testifying on mental health issues in national, high-profile cases. Christian remains involved in cutting-edge clinical research and has been published in leading publications, often writing on the intersection between optimal mental health, depression, anxiety, and performance. 

A decade into his career as a counseling psychologist with a general practice, a high-profile professional action sports athlete tragically died from mental health complications. Dr. Christian began to receive numerous inquiries from individuals that were close to the athlete. At this moment, Glasgow realized he was at an important inflection point in his career: he was in a unique position to leverage his personal experience as a successful athlete and combine it with his training in psychology to help high-performing athletes and their unique needs. He immediately pivoted his practice to serve this community and has worked with the World Surf League (WSL), the NFL, MLB, LPGA, PGA, US Olympic Winter Athletes, US Summer Olympic athletes, UFC, Women’s US National Soccer, Men’s US national soccer team, MLS, EPL, Motorcycle Grand Prix, and elite aspiring youth athletes. As a result of his work with high-profile athletes, Glasgow began to attract national artists, including actors and musicians, and he has consulted on major motion films.